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Andrew Tinio

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry is a hack & slash game for PlayStation based on the Divine Comedy & Inferno.

Dante - Legendary Devil Hunter: Name based on Dante in the Divine Comedy. The first main hero of the series.

Vergil - The Alpha & The Omega: Name based on Virgil the poet. Older yet twin brother of Dante who sees his humanity as a weakness and vows to become stronger by following his father's path as a demon. But when splitting himself gave way to his two halves: V representing his humanity that Vergil despises & Urizen - his demonic half.

Nero - the Young Devil Hunter: Name based on the Roman emperor. Vergil's son who's born more human yet lacks demonic blood.

Trish - the Bewitching Devil: Name based after Beatrice, Dante's beloved. A clone of Dante's mother Eva who once served the former demon king Mundus, until a change of heart led her to Dante's side.

Lady/Mary Ann Arkham - the Walking Arsenal: Names based after the Virgin Mary & Madonna in Italian. A devil huntress who sought revenge on her father Arkham who killed his wife to become a demon. Meeting Dante, at first viewed him as an enemy & a demon. But learns he's both human & demon, accepting him as her friend.

Nicoletta "Nico" Goldstein - Artisan of Arms: Nero's partner & gunsmith in their mobile branch of the DMC agency. Her father Agnus, who serves the Order of the Sword, abandoned her and her mother. Despite that, his research on demons proved useful in their missions.

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