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European Martial Arts: Pankration

Intro: So we have had our first look at South East Asian martial arts with Filipino Kinamotay. Now let's head over to Europe to look at...

South East Asian Martial Arts: Kinamotay

Intro: So we have looked at African Martial Arts and started off with Asian style originating from South Asia. We decide to mix things up...

South Asian Martial Arts: Sqay

Heading over to another Muslim country in South Asia. We are in Pakistan. Well more specifically the disputed territory of Kashmir which...

South Asian Martial Arts: Butthan

Heading somewhere more familiar to some of us. We arrive in the country of Bangladesh. A young and small Muslim nation just north of the...

South Asian Martial Arts: Gurkha

Heading north up to the cold high altitudes of the Himalayas. This is where we find the country Nepal. Landlocked on top of the mountain...

South Asian Martial Arts: Angampora

We did an article on African Martial Arts and now here is our own take on South Asians styles. As we know most martial arts media like...

African Martial Arts: Moringue

Heading over to East Africa again. This time we are looking at the island of Madagascar to see what the Malagasy community has to offer....

African Martial Arts: Donga

Moving further south, we have the country of South Africa and its legendary style of stick fighting which we are all familiar with from...

African Martial Arts: Engolo

Return to Western African but this time somewhere southwards. We have the West African Nation Angola where the art of Engolo originates....

African Martial Arts: Tahtib

Moving forward with our articles on African Martial Arts. See head over the North Africa, specifically the country Egypt to get a look at...

African Martial Arts: Dambe

Continuing our articles on African Martial Arts we move over the Nigeria in West African to look at the boxing style of Dambe. Much like...

African Martial Arts: Istunka

When it comes to martial arts, its not surprising to find so much of it connected to the Far East of Asia since Kung Fu films popularised...

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